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VSCCA Marshaling

Why spectate when you can participate!

Marshaling (corner workers, flaggers, grid workers and race management) can be one of the most rewarding ways to get involved with vintage motor sports up close, and at the VSCCA we rely on a large number of volunteer marshals to help us make our events happen. It cannot be said often enough; those who get out on the track and hills with vintage cars cannot do this without the dedicated group of volunteers. When they are not looking out for the drivers, the Marshals also enjoy a great sense of camaraderie and fun at our events.

If you do not have an eligible car of your own to compete with then marshaling is the next best way to be closely involved in the Club’s activities. Duties vary from event to event and with a wide variety of jobs there is something for most ages and abilities.


How do I volunteer to Marshal?

Volunteering is easy, all you need to do is sign up to volunteer at one of our events on You'll find links to each eventon our events page here.

If you can’t do both days, then one day is fine


If you don’t have an account on creating one is easy, click here to get started. There is no cost to set up the account and you will not get any emails other than for the event you sign up for: 

If signing up online is not your thing you can always contact Desiree Faulkner at

What duties could I undertake? 

Corner Flagging

These are the Flag/Course Marshals (“Corner Workers”) who operate at designated track-side posts to give flag signals to competitors during a race or to deal with incidents that occur on that section of the track such as waving a yellow flag when a car has spun or gone off course. A certain amount of training is required, as is a good deal of attention during practice and racing. You will be in a very safe locations close to the action but closely focused on what’s happening on the track. Sometimes you will act on your own initiative as a result of what happens on the track and sometimes on instructions from race control. Corner Workers can also be observers. Please wear white pants and shirt or overalls.

Grid Workers

Prior to going out on the track for a practice or race cars assemble on what is called the “False Grid” for a race, or to line up for a hill climb. The “Grid Workers” line up cars in an orderly fashion in a fenced off space for a race or single file for a hill climb. After lining cars up the Grid Workers are always observant for anything amiss with a car or driver; maybe a car is leaking fluid or they forgot to close their gas cap. Maybe their helmet has not been fastened. Warm waterproof clothing is wise as you will be exposed to the elements. You will be guided by a team leader so previous experience is not essential but be prepared to be on your feet much of the day. Please wear white pants and shirt or overalls.

Pit Lane Workers

Pit Lane at any race meeting is a restricted area and Pit Lane Workers are responsible for ensuring that only authorized personnel are present. If a car is “Black Flagged” (told to come in off the track) a Pit Lane Worker may be asked to speak to them for whatever the reason – perhaps something has come loose on a car while on track. There is always a Pit Lane worker showing cars where to exit the track after a practice or race. Pit Lane Workers should wear white pants and shirt or white overalls.

Race Control

Observing in the Control Tower there are several people who are managing the action on the track and are in radio contact with the those working on the corners, pit lane and pit lane. The Chief Steward of the event is overseeing all of this. There are various roles to be filled such as “Recorder” who keeps time stated notes on every radio call, for the legal record. Race Control Workers should wear white pants and shirt or white overalls


If you don’t have experience that is OK. All you need to do is sign up an let us know you haven’t done this and an experienced Marshal will show you the ropes! Don’t worry, you will not be sent out on your own, you will be paired up with someone with extensive experience so you can learn first-hand, wherever it is you are working.


  • Volunteers will have café vouchers at Lime Rock for each day
    Volunteers at our hill climbs will be provided lunch
    Volunteers will have dinners provided Friday and Saturday nights at Lime Rock, usually Pizza at the track or sit-down dinners at the hill climbs (on Saturday). If there is a potluck cookout all of the volunteers are invited.
    Volunteers who work at least six days at VSCCA events each year are provided complimentary membership in the club the following year.

Event Requirements

All Volunteers must...

  • Wear white.
  • Prepare for all types of weather.
  • Bring sun and bug protection.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.


  • Is not required but appreciated.
  • If you have no experience, check out Marshal Gear.
  • Also, email Jim Bottomley, Flag Chief at Introduce yourself and let Jim know your race experience and interest in learning to flag.
  • Those of you who are experienced or have flagged with us before; we appreciate your talents.


  • All volunteers must sign the Lime Rock Park waiver at the gate.
  • As well as sign the VSCCA waiver at the flag meeting.
Click here to learn about joining the VSCCA!